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LIFE is a Poem..... - Books

**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…

**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Put my life into God's hands.

"With God all things are possible."

_Matthew 19:26

God has a plan for each of our lives, a plan more exciting than anything we could think or imagine. Fulfilling that plan, however, requires a conscious choice to seek His direction and follow carefully the path He sets before us. It means spending time in quiet reverence before Him until we are able to hear and distinguish His voice.

The best possible way to make a difference in your life and the lives of those you love is the actively pursue the plan God has created especially for you. The best way to leave a lasting legacy for those who will come after you is to commit your life to God and work together with Him to fulfill that plan. It is the only perfect formula for success. Open your heart and receive all He has for you.

God's plans always succeed!


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Talk less and listen more.

My beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak.

_James 1:19 KJV

Truly listening to another person is a gift ­­­­­­­­­­­--- the ultimate sign of respect for another's thoughts. But its' a difficult gift to give. Instead of listening, we may be wondering what we should do later in the day or what we should say next. The bottom line is that most of us are simply too self-absorbed to be good listeners.

Listening is a skill that requires practice and determination. To master it, you must be willing to close your mouth and consciously focus on the other person's words. Becoming a good listener is hard work, but giving the gift of being heard can make a great difference in the lives of those around you.

A true listener hears with the ears, head, and heart.

**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Avoid negative thinking.

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.

_Proverbs 12:25

Negativity and cynicism seem to be in fashion. Most of us don't realize how much it affects our lives and the lives of those around us. Even our body language can convey powerful messages. Negative thoughts become attitudes and words that do nothing but steal joy from our lives__and possibly from the lives of others as well.

It's difficult, though, when faced with so much of the seeming unfairness in life, to respond positively. And you certainly wouldn't want to appear carelessly trite by thinking is all in the approach. If you choose to abandon negativity and approach life with optimism, quite likely people in you life will respond in kind.

The tone of our thoughts becomes the tone of our lives.


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Be the first to say," I'm sorry."

To no kind of begging are people so averse, as to begging pardon.

_Julius Charles Hare and Augustus William Hare

Not much in life makes us want to dig in our heels more than having to apologize, especially if the other person is even more at fault and hasn't apologized. Most of us bristle at the idea. We want to give a quick, less than heartfelt, "Sorry," and be done with it. It takes courage to be the first to apologize in any situation. But if we apologize, specifically and with sincerity, it can bring great healing.

If you find yourself in this difficult place, you have an opportunity to make a difference, to turn the tide of resentment and alienation. In that sense, you have taken control of the situation. Don't let fear or pride paralyze you. Stand up and become the better person. At least one life will be changed__ your own!

"Sorry" is best said with the heart and with the head.


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Remember to say "thank you."

Give thanks in all circumstances._1 Thessalonians 5:18

How wonderful to express, in specific terms, that you noticed and appreciated someone's effort on your behalf. It's a small courtesy that too often is lost in our fast-paced society and one that can make a big difference in the lives of loved ones and strangers alike. Hearing the words" thank you" can restore the joy of serving and ward off cynicism and resentment. Speaking them can guard the heart against arrogance and engender an ongoing appreciation for others.

Never let an opportunity to say "thank you" pass you by. Careful attention to those simple words will strengthen your relationships, open doors of opportunity, and help you appreciate the richness God has placed in your life. Thankfulness is one of the most important habits you can develop and all it takes is a little attention to what is going on around you and practice, practice, practice.

Thank you says," I notice; I understand; I acknowledge."

**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Be on time.

There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at… who steals what is most precious to men: time. _Napoleon I

We all know the frustration of waiting for someone who is late for an appointment. We feel irritated and stressed, especially if we have rearranged our own schedule and rushed through traffic to be at the appointed meeting place on time. Of course we are all ate on occasion due to circumstances beyond our control. But chronic lateness demonstrates a lack of respect for others by robbing them of life's most precious commodity _time.

Determine to make a difference in the lives of others by showing that you value them and treasure the time they have agreed to spend with you. Schedule realistically and give yourself enough time to accommodate traffic and unexpected delays. Small considerations mean a lot.

Someone else's time is a terrible thing to waste.



**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Keep in touch with my friends.

Forsake not an old friend, for a new one does not compare with him.

_Ecclesiastes 9:10 Apocrypha

According to the Girl Scout song, "Make New Friends," old friends are like "gold." Fine gold is wrought by a refining fire, which makes the Scout reference all the more appropriate. For lasting friendships are certainly developed through a unique refining process.

Old friends have had the opportunity to see you at your best, worst, and every state in between. They know what makes you tick and appreciate how far you have come. They understand your flaws and love you anyway. Appreciate the friends who have made a difference in your life, and ask yourself if knowing you made a difference in theirs. Celebrating those relationships will help you see how one life can affect another.

Friendship doubles your field of influence.



**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Pray, pray, pray.

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

_James 5:16

Because it requires us to place our faith in something more than we can comprehend with our five senses, many people discount prayer as an effective means to positively impact their lives and the lives of those around them. Even for those who appreciate its many benefits, prayer is by nature a mystery, a step in the dark. By all accounts, however, it is also a step in the right direction.

Recent studies in hospitals have confirmed that prayer does make a difference. In a remarkable number of cases, those who were prayed for recovered more quickly from the same ailments than those who did not receive prayer. When was the last time you had a heartfelt conversation with your Creator?

Prayer makes available to us God's divine remedies.


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Write my spouse a love letter.

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm.

_Song of Solomon 8:6 KJV

There's something poignant about capturing true sentiment on paper. We can tell a spouse we love him or her, but to pen a note of substance requires unlocking the deepest feelings of the heart. What is it about your spouse that causes your heart to skip a beat? Can you name those characteristics that amaze and endear you? That kind of honesty carries with it a certain amount of vulnerability, but it can also make a remarkable difference in your marriage.

Commit your words of love and adoration with pen and paper. Pour out your heart in a way that can be read and appreciated by your spouse over and over again. In the process of composing and recording your words of love, you may find that your feelings for your spouse have become more intense and your commitment is stronger than ever.

Seal your love with pen and heart.


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Volunteer my time for something I believe in.

Every calling is great when greatly pursued.

_Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Selfless giving fused with enthusiasm is a powerful combination. That's why so many people have chosen volunteerism as a way to make a difference. They have learned that joining with others in order to address a certain need or issue_ whether practical or philosophical, local or global_ multiplies the degree to which they can affect change. It's also an excellent way to make friends with those who share our interests.

If you have never considered volunteering, the best time to get involved is now. You can teach someone to read, join with others to build a home for a low-income family, cook meals for the elderly and homebound, be a friend and role model to a child, provide transportation to and from doctor visits, clean up a rural highway or neighborhood park_ the opportunities are endless. What are you waiting for?

Action infused with passion can change the world.


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Stick by a friend in a crisis.

There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

_Proverbs 18:24

Certain friends make us feel great. Being with them is like taking a walk on the first warm day of spring. But how do you feel about taking a walk with them on a cold, stormy, winter day? It's no spring picnic being around a friend who is living through a dark and cold winter, especially if it persists for some time. But loyalty is the essence of deep and lasting friendships.

Let your friends know that you are "there" for them all the time _bright, sunny days and dark, stormy nights. Your loving support may be the healing balm a friend needs to slip out of the darkness and back into the sunshine. Imagine what a difference you can make just by sticking in there during the tough times. You will almost certainly find that same friend at your side during your soul's darkest night.

A fair-weather friend is no friend at all.


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Make more jokes.

The most wasted day is one in which we have not laughed.

_Sebastien Roch Nicolas Chamfort

Life is serious business. If you don't think so, open a newspaper or watch the evening news. How can we enjoy life in the midst of natural disasters, human tragedies, and the actions of those whose cold hearts allow them to harm others? There is increasing evidence that laughter can make a big difference. Laughter releases endorphins, increasing a sense of well-being. Many mental-health professionals have found that "laughter therapy" is an effective way to help victims of neglect and abuse.

You may not be the kind of person who feels comfortable cracking jokes, but appreciating the benefits of humor doesn't require you to become a stand-up comic. Begin by looking for the ironies and absurdities in your daily life. Doing so will help you regain perspective and keep your footing on this shaky planet we call home.

A minute of laughter can dispel hours of sorrow.


**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Visit a nursing home.

Life is a country that the old have seen and lived in.

Those who have to travel through it can only learn the way from them.

_Joseph Joubert

In her book Another Country, Mary Pipher explores issues of aging such as physical deterioration and, often asa result, loss of independence. This is never truer than when an elderly person must relinquish his or her home, with its familiarity, possessions, and routines, and move to a nursing home, One ninety-year-old woman said, "You know, in my head and heart, I still feel like a forty-year-old woman. It's my knees that tell me I'm ninety!"

If you know someone who lives in a nursing home, go visit. Take magazines or newspapers _or a favorite food. Just sit for a while and keep them company. If you don't have a friend or relative to visit, check with the closest facility and see how you can volunteer. And ask about bringing your children. It's almost always all right with administrators and a real treat for the residents. Investigate and go. You'll be making a difference in your life and the life of someone else as well.

Take this journey, and learn to live.



**If I Really Wanted to Make a Difference, I Would…..

©    Show love.

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging symbol.

_1 Corinthians 13:1

How do you respond when your spouse bounces a check? Or your teenager backs the car through the garage door? How about when your neighbor's dog eats your petunias? Responding in love doesn't mean failing to hold others accountable for their actions, but it does mean forgiving quickly and refusing to hold a grudge.

The Bible says that "real" love has these qualities: It is patient and kind, never boastful, proud, or envious. It isn't rude or self-seeking. It doesn't get mad easily or keep a record of wrongs. It is never happy to see evil triumph and always rejoices when the truth is told. It protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. So pure is love that the Bible says it never fails. Determine to walk in love each day. You are sure to make a great difference in the lives of all those you encounter.

Love is a verb.


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